1. Gold Coin
Composition :
Humic acid 18% + Fulvic Acid 6%
Humic acid is an organic plant deposits useful for the development of white root, Increases the water holding capacity of the soil, transfer nutrients from soil to crop root and stimulates the production of chlorophyll.
Dose : 2-3 ml in 1 liter water For Foliar application. 400-500ml for 1 acre (drip irrigations)
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
गोल्ड कॉइन (GOLD COIN)
ह्यूमिक एसिड 98% फुलविक एसिड ६ % आधारित एक ओर्गेनिक उत्पादक है, जो पौधो की जड़ो को विकास में मदद करता है एवं जमीन में पोषक तत्वों को पौधे में सरलता से उपलब्ध कराता है एवं सफ़ेद जड़ो का अत्यधिक विकास करता है। जमीन में जल ग्रहण क्षमता में वृद्धि करता है।
मात्रा : ३०-४० मिली प्रति १५ लीटर पानी में मिलकर छिड़काव करे। ४००-५०० मिली प्रति १ एकड़ में उपयोग करे।
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2. Shakti Gold
Composition :
Humic acid 12% + Fulvic acid 6%
Humic acid and fulvic acid are an organic plant deposits useful for the development of white root, increase water capacity in soil, transfer nutrients from soil to crop root and stimulates the production of chlorophyll.
Dose : 2-3 ml in 1 liter water For Foliar application. 400-500 ml for 1 acre (drip irrigations)
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
शक्ति गोल्ड (SHAKTI GOLD)
ह्यूमिक एसिड १२% फुलविक एसिड ६ % आधारित एक ओर्गेनिक उत्पादक है, जो पौधो की जड़ो को विकास में मदद करता है एवं जमीन में पोषक तत्वों को पौधे में सरलता से उपलब्ध कराता है एवं सफ़ेद जड़ो का अत्यधिक विकास करता है।
जमीन में जल ग्रहण क्षमता में वृद्धि करता है।
मात्रा : ३०-४० मिली प्रति १५ लीटर पानी में मिलकर छिड़काव करे। ४००-५०० मिली प्रति १ एकड़ में उपयोग करे।

3. Farm Gold
Humic acid 65 % + Fulvic acid 15% + K2O 10%
Humic acid mainly makes the soil friable which increases the growth of plant roots. Not only this, this acid also accelerates the process of photosynthesis in plants. Due to which the plants become green and the branches grow abundantly. Humic acid and fulvic acid are an organic plant deposits useful for the development of white root, Increases the water holding capacity of the soil, transfer nutrients from soil to crop root and stimulates the production of chlorophyll.
Dose: 0.5-1 gm in 1 liter water For Foliar application.
500 - 700 gm for one acre land.(Best for Drip Irrigation).
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
फार्म गोल्ड; ह्यूमिक एसिड 98% ह्युमिक एसिड मुख्य रूप से मिट्टी को भुरभुरी बनाता हैं जिससे पौधों के जड़ों का विकास अधिक होता है। इतना ही नहीं, यह एसिड पौधों में प्रकाश संश्लेषण की क्रिया को भी तेज करता है। जिससे पौधों में हरापन आता है और शाखाओं की भरपूर वृद्धि होती है। जमीन में पोषक तत्वों को पौधे में सरलता से उपलब्ध कराता है एवं सफ़ेद जड़ो का अत्यधिक विकास करता है।

4. Vita Power
Seaweed Extract + Vitamins + Cytokinins
Vita Power When sprayed, it is quickly absorbed by the leaves and spread throughout the system. Increases plant roots. Gives strength to the plant. It builds strengths and provide energy to the plant tissue. The main reason of pre-dropping is lack of energy, Strength and nutritional deficiency in plant. Seaweed extract is an excellent source of minerals and bio actives plants need to grow strong and healthy. Increases crop weights & yields. Promotes vital metabolic processes for improved performance across metrics of growth. Promotes growth of branches. Reduce pre-dropping of flowers and fruit.
Dose: 2-3 ml for 1Liter water.(Foliar Spray)
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
वीटा पावर जब छिड़काव किया जाता है, तो यह पत्तियों द्वारा तुरंत अवशोषित हो जाता है और पूरे सिस्टम में फैल जाता है। पौधों की जड़ों को बढ़ाता है. पौधे को ताकत देता है. यह पौधे की ताकत बनाता है। शाखाओं की वृद्धि को बढ़ावा देता है। फूलों और फलों को समय से पहले गिराना कम करता है।

5. Extra Power
Humic acid 80% + Membrance Protein 10% + Mycolic Acid...10%
Extra Power leads to increase number of productive tillers and buds. it makes root and stem much stronger thus it helps to uptake essential nutrition in critical stages. It Helps in root development and increases vegetative growth of the plants thus helps for increasing crop yields.
Dose: 10 gm in 15 liter water (foliar spray)
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
एक्स्ट्रा पावर से पौधो की कलियों की संख्या में वृद्धि होती हे। यह जड़ हो बहुत मजबूत और सख्त बनता हे इस प्रकार यह जमीन से पोषात्क तत्व लेनेमें पौधे को मदद मिलती हे। यह जड़ विकास में मदद करता हे और पौधो की वनस्पतिक वृद्धि को बढ़ाता हे। जिस से फसल की पैदावार मिलने में मदद मिलती हे।

6. Amino King
Total organic composition: 18.5 %
Total free L-amino acid available: 13.5%
Enzyme & vitamin: 5 % w/v
Total available Nitrogen: 6 %
Amino Acid is the natural building block of the protein synthesis. Amino King provides 18 essential amino acid, which requires for the protein synthesis. Protein Requires for the fruit setting and new tissue development.
Induce flowering and reduce pre-dropping. Improves fruit setting and reduce fruit dropping. Improves fruit size and quality. Improves nutrition uptake and their utilization.
Dose: 2-3ml in 1 liter water For Foliar application.
400-500ml for one acre land.
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application x
Drip Irrigations x Seed Treatment x

7. Fulton
Fulvi Acid...18%w/v
The benefits in agriculture include these valuable effects: Increases crop weights & yields. Promotes vital metabolic processes for improved performance across metrics of growth. Improves nutrient-use efficiency by increasing their bio-availability and facilitating their uptake and distribution throughout the plant. fulvic acids may have uses in Iowa's large-scale production systems to improve seedling health and plant response to stress.
Dose:2-3ml in 1 liter water For Foliar application.
400-500ml for one acre land.
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔
फसल का वजन और पैदावार बढ़ाता है, विकास के सभी मैट्रिक्स में बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण चयापचय प्रक्रियाओं को बढ़ावा देता है। पोषक तत्वों की जैव-उपलब्धता को बढ़ाकर और पूरे पौधे में उनके ग्रहण और वितरण को सुविधाजनक बनाकर उनकी उपयोग दक्षता में सुधार करता है।

8. Amgrown
Protein Hydrolysate 80 %
AMGRON is an organic biostimulator containing 87.5 % amino acids and peptides. Through quick absorbance by leaves and transfer to the plant tissues AMGRON amino acids act as a natural biostimulant and organic chelator for trace elements, and it promotes recovery from abiotic or biotic stress.
AMGRON has the advantage that it adheres very well to leaves, because of its high viscosity, and it acts as an organic chelator of certain trace elements. Therefore it is widely used as a foliar fertilizer in combination with other water soluble fertilizers and in combination with almost all commercial plant protection agents to enhance their efficiency. As a result of increased photosynthesis and sugar production, AMGRON produces a qualitative and quantitative increase in plant growth.
Dose: 20-25 gm in 15 liter water For Foliar application.
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application x
Drip Irrigations x Seed Treatment x

9. EnZyme
Humic Acid 12 %, Seaweed Extract 8%
Humic acid mainly makes the soil friable which increases the growth of plant roots. The main reason of pre-dropping is lack of energy, Strength and nutritional deficiency in plant. Seaweed extract is an excellent source of minerals and bio actives plants need to grow strong and healthy. Increases crop weights & yields. Promotes vital metabolic processes for improved performance across metrics of growth. Promotes growth of branches. Reduce pre-dropping of flowers and fruit.
Dose: 20-30 ML in 15 Liter Water.
400 - 500 ml for one Acre Land.
Foliar Spray ✔ Soil Application ✔
Drip Irrigations ✔ Seed Treatment ✔