1. Bahubali
Bahubali is a very high class technological modification based product. This is a special type of technical bio-derivatives in the medicine which have been added to the product as per a scientific dosage which is very effective against the caterpillar types found in every agricultural Larva like Lashkari caterpillar, green caterpillar, pink caterpillar, brinjal leaf caterpillar, etc. Hits powerfully. Bahubali prepares the plant in this manner. Due to which after spraying, each caterpillar type protects the Pak for a very long period in front of the Larva.
Target pest : Effective for control Spodoptera, Caterpillars, Diamond back moth, heliothis, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, All Larva etc.
Dose : 20 ml in 15 liter water (For Foliar spray application)
बाहुबली एक बहोत उच कक्षा की टेक्नोलोजिकल संशोधन आधारित प्रोडक्ट है। यह दवा में खास प्रकार का टेक्निकल बायो डेरियेटिव्ज है जो एक वैज्ञानिक डोज़ प्रमाण से प्रोडक्ट में मिलाया गया है जो हर कृषि पाक में आनेवाली इल्लीया प्रकार की किट जैसे की लश्करी इल्ली, हरी इल्ली, गुलाबी इल्ली, बैगन की पर्ण इल्ली, आदि को बहोत शक्तिशाली तरीके से मारती है। बाहुबली पौधे को इस तरीके से तैयार करता है। जिस की वजह से छींटकाव के बाद हरेक इल्ली प्रकार के किट के सामने बहोत लम्बे अंतराल तक पाक को बचाता है।
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2. Bhim
Bhim as a contact it starts act as a stomach poison for the insect, where it blocks the synthesis and emits hormones from prothoracic glands consequently the insect stops eating and die. Eventually insect dies due to starvation. Basically it can be used in cotton, paddy, gram, maize, sugarcane, pigeon pea, soybean, moong, urad, barbati, brinjal, cabbage, chilli, peas and all other vegetable crops. In which it prevents pink caterpillar, stem borer, fruit borer, leaf roller, cutter peeler, spotted caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar and all types of small and big caterpillars.
Dose : 5 ml in 15 liter water (Foliar Spray).

3. Larva King
Larva King act as a When this bio larvicide sprinkled, it starts act as a stomach poison for the insect, where it blocks the synthesis and emits hormones from prothoracic glands consequently the insect stops eating and die. To control all types of larva, army worm, boll worm, root worm, pink ball warm and heliothis, spodoptera etc.
Dose: 20ml in 15 liter water
(foliar spray).
लार्वा किंग एक के रूप में कार्य करता है जब इस जैव लार्वानाशक का छिड़काव किया जाता है, तो यह कीट के लिए पेट के जहर के रूप में कार्य करना शुरू कर देता है, जहां यह संश्लेषण को अवरुद्ध करता है और प्रोथोरेसिक ग्रंथियों से हार्मोन उत्सर्जित करता है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप कीट खाना बंद कर देता है और मर जाता है। सभी प्रकार के लार्वा, आर्मी वर्म, बॉल वर्म, रूट वर्म, पिंक बॉल वार्म और हेलियोथिस, स्पोडोप्टेरा आदि को नियंत्रित करता है।
मात्रा: २० मिली प्रति १५ लीटर पानी में मिलाकर छींटकाव करे।

4. Bio Clean
Emamectin benzoate 5% sg. An insecticide of biological origin used to control lepidopteran pests, with stomach action. The product is most effective when ingested by larvae. The affected larva gets paralysed, stops feeding shortly thereafter and and is killed within 2-4 days. It has good translaminar action thus controlling the caterpillars present on the lower surface of leaves.
Dose: 8 Gm in 15 liter water
(Foliar Spray).

5. Felix
Natural cyclic compounds 2.8 % + Natural terpenoides 3.2% + Aduiuvents .2.0 % +Aqueous media .92%
Felix is a systemic insecticide. Which works systematically, it is quickly absorbed into the leaves, it acts at a fast pace. In which bollworm, pink caterpillar, stem borer, fruiting borer, leaf wrapper, scraper cutter, mottled caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar and all types of small and large caterpillars are controlled. Basically it can be used in cotton, paddy, gram, maize, sugarcane, pigeon pea, soybean, mung bean, urad, barbati, brinjal, cabbage, chilli, pea and all other vegetable crops. Controls pink caterpillar, stem borer, fruit borer, leaf wrapper, cutter peeler, spotted caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar and all types of small and big caterpillars.
Dose: 6ml in 15 Liter water.
यह एक प्रणालीगत कीटनाशक है। जो व्यवस्थित रूप से काम करता है, यह जल्दी से पत्तियों में अवशोषित हो जाता है, यह तेज गति से कार्य करता है। जिसमें बॉलवर्म, पिंक कैटरपिलर, स्टेम बोरर, फ्रूटिंग बोरर, लीफ रैपर, स्क्रैपर कटर, मोटल कैटरपिलर, तंबाकू कैटरपिलर और सभी प्रकार के छोटे और बड़े कैटरपिलर को नियंत्रित किया जाता है। मुख रूपसे कपास, धान, चना, मका , गना , अरहर, सोयाबीन, मुंग ,उड़द , बरबटी , बैंगन ,पत्तागोभी ,मिर्च, मटर और अन्य सभी सब्जी वर्गी फसलो में इस्तेमाल कर सकते है।

6. Expert
Expert is a very high class technological modification based product. This is a special type of technical bio-derivatives in the medicine which have been added to the product as per a scientific dosage which is very effective against the caterpillar types found in every agricultural Larva like Lashkari caterpillar, green caterpillar, pink caterpillar, brinjal leaf caterpillar, etc. Hits powerfully. Bahubali prepares the plant in this manner. Due to which after spraying, each caterpillar type protects the Pak for a very long period in front of the Larva.
Target pest: Effective for control Spodoptera, Caterpillars, Diamond back moth, heliothis, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, All Larva etc.
Dose: 20 ml in 15 liter water.

Master act as a When this bio larvicide sprinkled, it starts act as a stomach poison for the insect, where it blocks the synthesis and emits hormones from prothoracic glands consequently the insect stops eating and die. Controls all types of larvae inner side and outer side. Fast working. Long lasting. Works well on different vegetables and field crops like Tomatoes, Brinjal, and Okra etc.
Effective for control Spodoptera, Caterpillars, Diamond back moth, heliothis, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, All Larva etc.
Dose: 20ml in 15 liter water
(foliar spray)

8. Elder 0.1
A Elders-0.1 (alternatively larvacide) is an Elder 0.1 as a stomach poison for the insect, where it blocks the synthesis and emits hormones from prothoracic glands consequently the insect stops eating and die. Eventually insect dies due to starvation. Basically it can be used in cotton, paddy, gram, maize, sugarcane, pigeon pea, soybean, moong, urad, barbati, brinjal, cabbage, chilli, peas and all other vegetable crops.
Dose: 5 ml in 15 liter water
(For Foliar application)